HLUW Grant Funding
Working with engaged community members to allocate funds to programs and projects that work to improve the health, education and financial stability of EVERY person in EVERY community we serve.
Thank you for your interest in our Community Investment Process. More information about our next grant cycle coming soon.
About Our Community Investment Process
We believe in comprehensive solutions to combat our region’s most pressing issues. Through our community investment process, local nonprofits and agencies can apply for program funding that addresses a need in the health, education or financial stability focus areas. Our process is completely community driven, meaning application review and funding decisions are made by community members. Every program funded through Head of the Lakes United Way is monitored, evaluated and measured for effectiveness. In this way, HLUW validates that investments get results and make a difference where it matters most. Interested in more information? Contact Jaci Christiansen, HLUW Community Impact Director, for more information at jchristiansen@hlunitedway.org.
Our community investment panels are comprised of individuals who live in our geographical regions and represent our three focus areas. They review, evaluate and provide final recommendations regarding the amounts funded. We love that our funds allocated are backed by our community and that our work speaks to what our community really wants.
Geographical Areas
Organizations applying for program funding must reside in one of the following geographical locations.


Greater Duluth Area

Lake and Cook Counties

Superior-Douglas County
Programs requesting funding should fit in one of the following focus areas.
By making it easier for individuals to access substance abuse programs, receive quality health care and access nutritious foods, we’re striving to help everyone get—and stay—healthy.
We’re striving to shift the odds so tomorrow’s leaders can build a better foundation today. With an approach to education that spans from cradle to career, we’re ensuring every child gets a strong start in life, teenagers have the tools to learn and grow, and young adults thrive in the job market.
Financial Stability
We’re striving to put every person, in every community, on a path toward financial empowerment. That starts with access to housing, job training, credit counseling and money management programs.

The programs we fund and community organizations we partner with come from differing backgrounds and situations. In the end, our goal is the same for all whom we help. To provide answers to the problems many do not want to face.

Thank you – Every dollar you give to Head of the Lakes United Way creates opportunities and inspires hope for a better tomorrow. Your gift supports the foundation of many communities through the work of local programs that impact people’s lives in a real and meaningful way.
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We recognize the importance of Native Languages and we are working hard to make our webpages available in Ojibwe. As we continue to work on this, please feel free to use the translation tool below.
Address: 314 W Superior St STE 750, Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: 218-726-4770
Fax: 218-726-4778